![VANNE DEMONTER EGR[230,153,1,0]](https://carbon-cleaning.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/VANNE-DEMONTER-EGR23015310.jpg)
Why does the EGR valve get dirty ?
The EGR valve is designed to cool exhaust gas by burning exhaust for a second time within the intake system. This results in the reduction of nitrogen oxide emissions. Recirculation of the exhaust leads to a gradual accumulation of carbon particles inside the inlet. These deposits eventually develop into a black layer of soot, which can lead to various engine problems and even engine failure.
The short-term benefits of the EGR valve lead to a faster saturation rate inside the engine. Soot forms where the exhaust passes into the intake, and even within the valve itself, causing various problems. Fuel injectors, which are delicate and expensive components of the engine, may become partially clogged. As for the EGR valve, soot and grime may prevent it from properly opening and closing. If it becomes stuck in the closed position, it will lose all function. The vehicle will continue to run properly, however it will emit nitrogen oxides at levels beyond the threshold of what is legally tolerated according to area regulations. On the other hand, if the EGR valve becomes stuck in an open position, the engine will become saturated at an even faster rate. Over time, the vehicle will lose acceleration power and certain symptoms will manifest, such as persistent stalling.
![VANNE EGR NEUVE[80,80,1,0]](https://carbon-cleaning.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/VANNE-EGR-NEUVE808010.jpg)
How clean the EGR Valve ?
There are several ways to clean or change your EGR valve, falling within a broad price range.
![nettoyage vanne egr(1)[150,113,1,0]](https://carbon-cleaning.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/nettoyage-vanne-egr115011310.jpg)

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